Help your ​athletes


Skinetix is a spin-off that reveals the ​body's inner story for peak ​performance and recovery.

Through biomechanical data-driven insights on the field, we enhance the ​way sporters train and compete while staying injury-free and optimize return ​to play.

Measure the ​inner story.

Providing non-invasive, easy-to-use wearable ​technology that measures muscle activity and ​movement, during training, competition and ​return to sports.

Shape champions ​through data.

With our software, users gain access to instant ​biomechanical metrics, facilitating immediate ​adjustments to training or recovery plans based on ​real-time data.

Skinetix team

Gradient Solid Capsule Shape

Kevin Langlois, PhD

Gradient Solid Capsule Shape

Joris De Winter, PhD

Let’s get in touch!


Pleinlaan 2

1050 Elsene


Contact us
